It's what Granny would do...

Swapping plants - not Selling them

So I started to garden

Hi Internets

I’m Regan, I’m 36 and I’m starting a Business

36 years on the planet doesn’t create a burning desire for me to complain about where time has gone or to regret the things I have stuffed up along the way. It’s actually created me to source out a new patten, or daily routine (so to speak) to move forward and create something new.

You see, I never thought about process.

Process when playing music or when cooking, process when meeting friends or playing sport either. I never cared about the specifics of why it was and what it meant…all i knew was that I happened and I was there.

So, to keep this first blog brief and light (my first ever blog btw and without telling you all why I’m doing this, what I am trying to achieve or what are You going to get out of it? I will just tell a story about a friend who has a sick family member and part of a discussion we had. It won’t...

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